Thursday, July 31, 2014

Brown Reunion

The Browns reunion is in Idaho again this year. I am excited though because I think that Jaylee will like it. The ride was a little hard because it was right during her nap time and she doesn't take many naps out side of her crib. It took her 30 minutes to fall asleep and then she only slept for 30 minutes and the ride was 2 and a half hours. Once we got there though she did great. The food wasn't ready yet so we got into our swim suits so we could get on the water slide. It was a tarp that he been laid down and had water hose to make it slippery. It's nicer that I just made it sound. Chris went down with Stockton so I went down with Jaylee. She loved it, all the way down the slide she kept whispering "jajajaja" It was funny. I took her down about 5 times and then I felt really exhausted so I stopped. Chris went down 2 times with Stockton and my dad. The first time they all biffed it. The second time they balanced weight better and they went fast all the way tot the end of the slide. I am glad nobody got hurt. Now the food was ready so we came down and got some food to eat. Lots and lots of food! There was a little girl there about a year or so older than Jaylee. Jaylee wanted to give her a hug so she hugged her but lost her balance and both girls went down. Still cute! We decided to head home, so we said our goodbyes and got into the car to make our 2 and a half hour ride back. I drove this time because Chris was exhausted and Jaylee was too. She feel asleep a lot easier than she did before.

July 26, 2014

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