Sunday, July 7, 2013

Haydens Mission Call

Today Hayden got his letter in the mail. I went over to my parents early that day to hang out with my mom. Chris was going to come out after work because we were expecting Hayden to get his call. As soon as it arrived my mom let everyone know that Hayden had his letter and would be opening it up at 8. I can't believe that my little brother is going to be leaving on his mission soon. Once 8 came around we tried to stall a little because we wanted Samuel to be there but he was running a little late. So we didn't actually open it until around 8:30. I had butterflies, I can't imagine how Hayden must have felt. It was very quit as he read his letter. He finally got to the good part and read Independence, Missouri leaving August 7th. I couldn't believe it. Why hadn't any of us thought of there for Hayden. Everything about it was perfect. Hayden loves church history, he has already read lots of books and spent lots of studying time on it. The date is also perfect. Hayden was worried that he would have to leave before he got to see the arrival of his first niece. It was really cute, every time we talked about when he would leave he would say I just want to see Jaylee before I leave. Yet he was so anxious to get out there and serve, he has been waiting a long time to go. I am so happy for Hayden, he will be a great missionary. I will miss him terribly but I know that that is where he needs to be. Congrates Hayden.

After all the craziness the boys went down to the church to play basketball. When I say the boys I mean all of the boys in my family. Chris, Samuel, Stockton, Hayden, and my dad. It seemed like they had lots of fun because they didn't get back until about 11.

June 26, 2013

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