Monday, December 31, 2012

The Emergency Room

Not long after we found out I was pregnant I started feeling sick. I have been moving from one sickness to the next. Some days I feel nausea's other days I'm throwing up and some days my stomach hurts from hunger but nothing sounds good. Chris has been a good sport, although its frustrating he still runs to the store for me whenever I think of something I want that we don't have or if we do have it he is good at getting up and getting it for me and making me meals. I'm so grateful for a husband that's so willing to take care of me. So I had been throwing up for almost two days straight and I was so tired because I hadn't been able to sleep for a long time. Eventually I was just dry heaving. It was about four in the morning and Chris called his mom because neither of us knew what to do. She suggested that we go to the Emergency Room. So we did, although the hospital is only five minutes away it felt like one of the longest rides of my life. We finally got inside. When we got in the room the doctor asked me a few questions and then said is there anything I can do for you right now and I said "if you wanna leave the room I can throw up". They got me attached to an IV  so I was getting fluids back into my body. Then they put some Zofran into the IV so that I could keep it down. As soon as it started working my stomach started hurting really bad because now I could feel the hunger that my body needed from not eating for two days. We had been there for about 2 or 3 hours and they said that I could go home.

The rest of the month was off and on of my sicknesses. Zofran stopped helping me feel better and it was very unpredictable. It took me awhile but I figured out that it was my prenatal pills that were making me stay sick. Now that it is the end of the month I feel the best that I have felt in a long time.

December 7, 2012

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