Monday, June 24, 2013


Today is the day before fathers day. This is the day that were going to celebrate fathers day with my family. We went out to my parents house about noon. As soon as Ranae and Samuel got out we gave dad his fathers day presents and started the BBQ. This year we gave my dad three shirts and a key chain. The key chain said #1 dad and the superman symbol. Two of the shirts had the new symbol of superman on them. The last shirt had an old guy in a superman suit, except the S was a G, and it said "Have no fear, Grandpa is here." For the BBQ we had hot dogs and hamburgers. So yummy. When we finished the eating we all went out side and played volleyball. The teams were Dad, Ranae, Rachel, and me on one team. The other team was Hayden, Stockton, Samuel, Chris, and Mom. Our team counted seem to finish out and win but we were always really close. We had lots of small injuries during the game. I got hit in the face with the ball. Ranae and Rachel collided and Chris and Stockton collided. Dad some how rubbed of the skin on the bottom of both his big toes. Luckily no emergency runs, even though Chris and Stocktons collision was a close call. The back of Chris's head and Stocktons mouth were the parts the hit. Chris had a HUGE bump and Stocktons mouth was bleeding. When it started getting dark and we were all to injured and tired to keep playing we went into the house and watched a movie called "Mama".

Yesterday I gave Chris his fathers day present. He got a Ninja Turtle shirt and a ipod hook up. This year for fathers day was different for us because this time Chris is going to be a father. There is nobody else that I want to be the father of my kids than Chris. I can't wait to see him being a daddy.

June 15, 2013

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