Wednesday, July 13, 2011

The Hospitle

Today was my day off. I was up cleaning the house when I realized that I had a voice mail from my dad. It was my dad explaining that my mom was taking to the hospitle last night because she was in a lot of pain and had just got surgery to remove her appendix. Even though its not life threatening I couldnt help but cry to think of my mom in that much pain. I quickly showered and then drove to the hospitle. luckily it was the Timpanogis Hospitle so it was just 3 minutes away and I could get there quickly. She is just amazing, even thought she was suffering she still was smiling and cracking jokes. Awhile I was there Ron, Krista, Sarah, and Teri also came to visit. I stayed for about an hour or so. Then when Chris got off of work we went and got her chocolate pretzels and went to visit her again. Before we went home Chris and dad gave her a blessing. I am so greatful for the priesthood.
July 5, 2011

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