Friday, February 15, 2013

Gender Check

Today we went to the doctor to find out what we were having, boy or girl. We both wanted both but we thought different. I thought it was a boy and Chris thought it was a girl. However I was kind of hoping girl and Chris was leaning towards a boy. Our apt. wasn't until 4:30 so we had to wait all day. It was ruff but luckily we both had work until 4 so we were kept occupied. As we sat in the waiting room we were nervous, we got there half an hour early too. When we finally got called in our nervous all of a sudden exculated. I couldn't believe it was a matter of minutes. When she started the ultra sound and we could see our cute babies body I was so excited. So right away the nurse showed us that our babies legs were crossed. She started to make my stomach bounce. It was so cute, our baby began to move around like crazy, however she did it without moving her legs. The first thing we learned about our baby is that she stubborn like her parents. ha ha After a few minutes she finally tossed around enough and there it was. We are having a little girl. I am so excited, my butterflies didnt leave they only got worse because now I cant wait to see her. After the ultra sound we had to stay and see the doctor. He had us listen to the heart beat. That was cool to. We had kind of heard it before but it was just on the ultra sound, this time it was loud and clear. The night before Chris and I had taken some pictures so we could send them to people to let them know what we were having. Then I called my mom, and  we stopped by to tell Dawna. Ranae and Samuel came over to visit because they wanted to hear in person. I cant wait to meet our girl, I already know she is going to be adorable.

February 12, 2013

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