Thursday, October 16, 2014

Maci Page Anderson

Today was the day that Maci was born! This is our second niece so far, no nephews yet! Tara went into the hospital yesterday so they could get things going. Tara has had a hard pregnancy, she is only 37 weeks along but because of complications Dr. Young (who has been our Doc. with Jaylee and now) pushed to have her delivered now. So long story short Macie Page Anderson was born on October 14, (the day before Chris and Michelle's birthday) at 12:33 am. She was 7 Lbs 2 Oz and 19 Inches. We went in at 11:30 to visit them and meet her. I was going to take some pictures for them too. We were told that you had to be 14 and older to visit so Chris stayed out with Jaylee but after awhile Austin called Chris and told him that he should come in anway that no body would notice or stop him. Chris still didn't hold her though because he has been feeling a little sick, but he was so glad that he got to see her. Jaylee liked the baby but we had help her because she is still learning to be soft. Maci was super cute, she has so much hair and was surprisingly very chunky. We're just so glad that everything went well and that she wouldn't have to stay in an incupater or anything. Congrates Tara and Austin!

October 14, 2014

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