I got a call that Stockton had an accident. He has broken his arm awhile wrestling at practice. Apparently he was wrestling a kid and the kid had lifted the him up in the air. Stockton stuck his arms out to catch himself and he broke is forearm. Luckily for him Hayden was there to help out during the time that it took for mom and dad to get to him to take him to the hospitle. He is doing alright just in a little pain. He has to ware a cast for a few weeks.
When I got this call I was at my in-laws house celebrating Chris's birthday. It was so much fun. We had a delicious diner. Grandma and grandpa came too. Grandpa was so funny, he was wrestling Chris. He said that he could take him on. He grabbed chris and when he got his arm over Chris he said "take a picture". He also wrestled Cordell, we thought that Cordell was going to drop him cause he picked him up in the air. But grandpa claimed he was winning. I love my family.
October 24, 2011